Parliament plenary vote LaVM 6/2020 - KAA 1/2019
In 2018, a citizens’ initiative – Prohibition against female genital mutilation – was initiated.
- Finnish:
- Swedish:
The citizens’ initiative was submitted to the parliament on 3 June 2019, and was registered as KAA 1/2019 (MI 1/2019).
- Finnish:
- Swedish:
In the autumn of 2020, the law committee submitted its completed report over the initiative to the parliament.
- Finnish:
- Swedish:
On the basis of amendments (reservations) by members of the law committee, two votes were held in a plenary session in the parliament.
- Finnish:
- Swedish:
Voting options in the first plenary vote:
- Yes: All mentions of boys in the law committee report should be deleted, so that the statutory protection applies only to girls’ genital autonomy
- No: Boys should also be included in the statutory protection regarding genital autonomy
- Finnish:
- Swedish:
Voting options in the second plenary vote:
- Yes: The original wording in the law committee report is retained, where the main focus is on girls, but boys are also partially mentioned
- No: All mentions of boys in the law committee report should be deleted, so that the statutory protection applies only to girls’ genital autonomy
- Finnish:
- Swedish:
In the summary below, the voting options have been marked as follows:
1st plenary vote:
- Yes: erase any mention of boys
- No: protects boys as well as girls
2nd plenary vote:
- Yes: keep the original wording, which partly includes boys
- No: erase any mention of boys
Name | Party | Region | 1st plenary vote | 2nd plenary vote |
Veijo Niemi | FINNS | Pirkanmaa | absent | absent |
Leena Meri | FINNS | Uusimaa | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Eeva-Johanna Eloranta | SDP | Varsinais-Suomi | absent | absent |
Mirka Soinikoski | GREEN | Häme | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Arja Juvonen | FINNS | Uusimaa | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Vilhelm Junnila | FINNS | Varsinais-Suomi | absent | absent |
Marko Asell | SDP | Pirkanmaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Merja Kyllönen | LEFT | Oulu | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Mari Rantanen | FINNS | Helsinki | absent | absent |
Kimmo Kiljunen | SDP | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Pauli Kiuru | NCP | Pirkanmaa | abstained | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Ritva "Kike" Elomaa | FINNS | Varsinais-Suomi | absent | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Mauri Peltokangas | FINNS | Vaasa | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Pihla Keto-Huovinen | NCP | Uusimaa | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Pia Lohikoski | LEFT | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Antero Laukkanen | CD | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | No, erase any mention of boys |
Saara Hyrkkö | GREEN | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Anna Kontula | LEFT | Pirkanmaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Sari Essayah | CD | Savo-Karelia | Yes, erase any mention of boys | No, erase any mention of boys |
Matias Mäkynen | SDP | Vaasa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Sebastian Tynkkynen | FINNS | Oulu | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Sakari Puisto | FINNS | Pirkanmaa | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Jani Mäkelä | FINNS | Southeast Finland | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Eva Biaudet | SPP | Helsinki | absent | No, erase any mention of boys |
Ruut Sjöblom | NCP | Uusimaa | absent | absent |
Sofia Virta | GREEN | Varsinais-Suomi | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Jouni Ovaska | CENT | Pirkanmaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Paula Werning | SDP | Southeast Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Marko Kilpi | NCP | Savo-Karelia | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Hanna Huttunen | CENT | Savo-Karelia | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Pasi Kivisaari | CENT | Vaasa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Noora Koponen | GREEN | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Jari Ronkainen | FINNS | Häme | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Piritta Rantanen | SDP | Central Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Tarja Filatov | SDP | Häme | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Sari Tanus | CD | Pirkanmaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | No, erase any mention of boys |
Paavo Arhinmäki | LEFT | Helsinki | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Veronika Honkasalo | LEFT | Helsinki | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Mai Kivelä | LEFT | Helsinki | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Outi Alanko-Kahiluoto | GREEN | Helsinki | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Jussi Halla-aho | FINNS | Helsinki | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Ben Zyskowicz | NCP | Helsinki | Yes, erase any mention of boys | No, erase any mention of boys |
Erkki Tuomioja | SDP | Helsinki | abstained | absent |
Riikka Purra | FINNS | Uusimaa | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Elina Valtonen | NCP | Helsinki | absent | absent |
Jussi Saramo | LEFT | Uusimaa | absent | absent |
Li Andersson | LEFT | Varsinais-Suomi | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Johannes Yrttiaho | LEFT | Varsinais-Suomi | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Johannes Koskinen | SDP | Häme | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Heli Järvinen | GREEN | Southeast Finland | absent | absent |
Ari Torniainen | CENT | Southeast Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Sanna Antikainen | FINNS | Savo-Karelia | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Juha Mäenpää | FINNS | Vaasa | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Jukka Mäkynen | FINNS | Vaasa | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Petri Honkonen | CENT | Central Finland | absent | absent |
Tytti Tuppurainen | SDP | Oulu | absent | absent |
Katja Hänninen | LEFT | Oulu | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Pekka Aittakumpu | CENT | Oulu | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Janne Heikkinen | NCP | Oulu | absent | absent |
Sari Multala | NCP | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Joonas Könttä | CENT | Central Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Maria Ohisalo | GREEN | Helsinki | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Sari Sarkomaa | NCP | Helsinki | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Eveliina Heinäluoma | SDP | Helsinki | absent | absent |
Mika Niikko | FINNS | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | No, erase any mention of boys |
Mia Laiho | NCP | Uusimaa | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Kari Tolvanen | NCP | Uusimaa | abstained | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Heikki Vestman | NCP | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | No, erase any mention of boys |
Ville Tavio | FINNS | Varsinais-Suomi | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Saara-Sofia Sirén | NCP | Varsinais-Suomi | absent | absent |
Anne-Mari Virolainen | NCP | Varsinais-Suomi | absent | absent |
Timo Heinonen | NCP | Häme | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Kalle Jokinen | NCP | Häme | absent | absent |
Aino-Kaisa Pekonen | LEFT | Häme | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Lulu Ranne | FINNS | Häme | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Mika Kari | SDP | Häme | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Veikko Vallin | FINNS | Pirkanmaa | absent | absent |
Arto Satonen | NCP | Pirkanmaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Sofia Vikman | NCP | Pirkanmaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Ilmari Nurminen | SDP | Pirkanmaa | absent | absent |
Arto Pirttilahti | CENT | Pirkanmaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Satu Hassi | GREEN | Pirkanmaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Iiris Suomela | GREEN | Pirkanmaa | absent | absent |
Juho Eerola | FINNS | Southeast Finland | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Kristian Sheikki Laakso | FINNS | Southeast Finland | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Ano Turtiainen | FINNS | Southeast Finland | absent | absent |
Markku Eestilä | NCP | Savo-Karelia | absent | absent |
Hannakaisa Heikkinen | CENT | Savo-Karelia | absent | absent |
Krista Mikkonen | GREEN | Savo-Karelia | absent | absent |
Joakim Strand | SPP | Vaasa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Mikko Savola | CENT | Vaasa | absent | absent |
Kim Berg | SDP | Vaasa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Sinuhe Wallinheimo | NCP | Central Finland | abstained | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Jenni Pitko | GREEN | Oulu | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Hanna Sarkkinen | LEFT | Oulu | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Mari-Leena Talvitie | NCP | Oulu | abstained | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Mikko Kärnä | CENT | Helsinki | absent | absent |
Markus Lohi | CENT | Lapland | absent | absent |
Markus Mustajärvi | LEFT | Lapland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Hussein al-Taee | SDP | Uusimaa | absent | absent |
Aki Lindén | SDP | Varsinais-Suomi | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Pekka Haavisto | GREEN | Helsinki | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Atte Harjanne | GREEN | Helsinki | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Mari Holopainen | GREEN | Helsinki | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Emma Kari | GREEN | Helsinki | absent | absent |
Tom Packalén | FINNS | Helsinki | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Terhi Koulumies | NCP | Helsinki | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Jaana Pelkonen | NCP | Helsinki | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Wille Rydman | NCP | Helsinki | Yes, erase any mention of boys | No, erase any mention of boys |
Juhana Vartiainen | NCP | Helsinki | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Tuula Haatainen | SDP | Helsinki | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Ari Koponen | FINNS | Uusimaa | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Riikka Slunga-Poutsalo | FINNS | Uusimaa | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Antti Kaikkonen | CENT | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Matti Vanhanen | CENT | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Pia Kauma | NCP | Uusimaa | absent | absent |
Kai Mykkänen | NCP | Uusimaa | absent | absent |
Anders Adlercreutz | SPP | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Thomas Blomqvist | SPP | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Veronica Rehn-Kivi | SPP | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Antti Lindtman | SDP | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Timo Harakka | SDP | Helsinki | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Antti Rinne | SDP | Uusimaa | absent | absent |
Maria Guzenina | SDP | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Johan Kvarnström | SDP | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Tiina Elo | GREEN | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Inka Hopsu | GREEN | Uusimaa | absent | absent |
Pirkka-Pekka Petelius | GREEN | Uusimaa | absent | absent |
Harry (Hjallis) Harkimo | MOVE | Uusimaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Sandra Bergqvist | SPP | Varsinais-Suomi | absent | absent |
Katja Taimela | SDP | Varsinais-Suomi | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Esko Kiviranta | CENT | Varsinais-Suomi | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Annika Saarikko | CENT | Varsinais-Suomi | absent | absent |
Mikko Lundén | FINNS | Varsinais-Suomi | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Ilkka Kanerva | NCP | Varsinais-Suomi | absent | absent |
Petteri Orpo | NCP | Varsinais-Suomi | absent | absent |
Eeva Kalli | CENT | Satakunta | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Petri Huru | FINNS | Satakunta | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Jari Koskela | FINNS | Satakunta | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Krista Kiuru | SDP | Satakunta | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Kristiina Salonen | SDP | Satakunta | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Heidi Viljanen | SDP | Satakunta | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Matias Marttinen | NCP | Satakunta | abstained | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Jari Myllykoski | LEFT | Satakunta | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Mats Löfström | FÅ | Åland | absent | absent |
Sanni Grahn-Laasonen | NCP | Häme | absent | absent |
Päivi Räsänen | CD | Häme | Yes, erase any mention of boys | No, erase any mention of boys |
Hilkka Kemppi | CENT | Häme | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Rami Lehto | FINNS | Häme | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Ville Skinnari | SDP | Häme | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Sami Savio | FINNS | Pirkanmaa | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Anna-Kaisa Ikonen | NCP | Pirkanmaa | absent | absent |
Jukka Gustafsson | SDP | Pirkanmaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Sanna Marin | SDP | Pirkanmaa | abstained | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Pia Viitanen | SDP | Pirkanmaa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Hanna Holopainen | GREEN | Southeast Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Antti Häkkänen | NCP | Southeast Finland | absent | absent |
Ville Kaunisto | NCP | Southeast Finland | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Jukka Kopra | NCP | Southeast Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Anneli Kiljunen | SDP | Southeast Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Suna Kymäläinen | SDP | Southeast Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Niina Malm | SDP | Southeast Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Sirpa Paatero | SDP | Southeast Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Hanna Kosonen | CENT | Southeast Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Jari Leppä | CENT | Southeast Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Seppo Eskelinen | SDP | Savo-Karelia | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Merja Mäkisalo-Ropponen | SDP | Savo-Karelia | absent | absent |
Tuula Väätäinen | SDP | Savo-Karelia | absent | absent |
Hannu Hoskonen | CENT | Savo-Karelia | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Anu Vehviläinen | CENT | Savo-Karelia | absent | absent |
Matti Semi | LEFT | Savo-Karelia | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Minna Reijonen | FINNS | Savo-Karelia | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Jussi Wihonen | FINNS | Savo-Karelia | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Anna-Maja Henriksson | SPP | Vaasa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Anders Norrback | SPP | Vaasa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Mikko Ollikainen | SPP | Vaasa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Paula Risikko | NCP | Vaasa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Janne Sankelo | NCP | Vaasa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Antti Kurvinen | CENT | Vaasa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Mika Lintilä | CENT | Vaasa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Peter Östman | CD | Vaasa | Yes, erase any mention of boys | No, erase any mention of boys |
Juho Kautto | LEFT | Central Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Bella Forsgrén | GREEN | Central Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Anne Kalmari | CENT | Central Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Riitta Mäkinen | SDP | Central Finland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Toimi Kankaanniemi | FINNS | Central Finland | absent | absent |
Jouni Kotiaho | FINNS | Central Finland | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Raimo Piirainen | SDP | Oulu | absent | absent |
Olli Immonen | FINNS | Oulu | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Jenna Simula | FINNS | Oulu | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Ville Vähämäki | FINNS | Oulu | No, protects boys as well as girls | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Tuomas Kettunen | CENT | Oulu | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Mikko Kinnunen | CENT | Oulu | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Hanna-Leena Mattila | CENT | Oulu | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Juha Pylväs | CENT | Oulu | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Juha Sipilä | CENT | Oulu | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Katri Kulmuni | CENT | Lapland | Yes, erase any mention of boys | Yes, keep the original wording, which partly includes boys |
Johanna Ojala-Niemelä | SDP | Lapland | absent | absent |
Heikki Autto | NCP | Lapland | absent | absent |
Kaisa Juuso | FINNS | Lapland | absent | absent |